Optical Communication Consulting

FiberGuide is uniquely positioned to support organizations with their optical networking challenges through consulting or employee training. Whether you decide to engage us as an extension of your staff or to empower your staff through training, you can expect higher quality and more cost effective network deployment or operation.

Are you looking for support to address optical communication challenges?

We help organizations develop and maintain efficient and cost-effective optical communication networks through consulting and employee training. The planning and design of today’s optical networks can be complicated by the availability of a wide range fiber types, systems and technologies and the incessant need to upgrade to higher data rates. Organizations that do not have in-house optical networking talent oftentimes resort to using system and fiber optic vendors as consultants to recommend their network design and what should go into their networks.

But a car novice should not rely entirely on the car dealer to recommend the best car for them. This is where we can help, we can offer an objective and vendor neutral view of how best your network should be designed based on current bandwidth requirements and projected long term traffic patterns. Alternatively, we can empower your staff to handle different critical optical networking roles through intense 5-day training programs.

Following is a sample of questions or challenges developers and/or operators of optical communication networks must address and that we help with:

  • We are about to deploy a green field network, should it be 10Gb/s DWDM, 100Gb/s coherent or a combination thereof?
  • Our network currently runs at 10Gb/s, and we are about to upgrade to 100Gb/s. Do we need to replace all the fiber in our network?
  • We are about to acquire a dark fiber link, what steps should we take to verify that it meets our requirements?
  • We have a high data rate application, but we don’t have the budget to deploy our own optical network. Which one will be a better option for us, leasing dark fiber or a wavelength service?
  • Do we need advanced ROADMs for our network, or can we just use OADMs?
  • Which single mode fiber should we deploy for our long-haul network – G.652.D, G.654, G.655 or G.657?
  • Should we use EDFAs, Raman or a combination thereof in our network?


Optical communication consulting

Below are some of the areas in which we can support network providers.

  • CWDM/DWDM network planning and design
  • Network simulation using OptiSystem
  • Fiber optic and systems specifications
  • Power and OSNR budget calculations
  • OTDR testing, trace analysis and reporting
  • CD and PMD testing and analysis
  • Optical spectral measurements and analysis
  • Dark fiber sourcing
  • Network solution (IP transit, DIA, Wavelength services…) sourcing


Training in optical communications

If you prefer to train your staff to address optical network challenges, we offer the following intense 5-day courses, developed, and certified by Optical Technology Training (OTT). We can deliver these for your team at your location or in pre-scheduled classes in Arlington, VA.

Contact us with any questions.

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